Roommate Won’t Stop Writing Groundbreaking Equations on Dorm Window

Finding a good roommate is hard anywhere — but at Stanford, things…

Math Joins Ranks of Pro-Hillary Establishment

Ignoring the momentum displayed by Bernie Sanders’ surprise win in Indiana, mathematics…

Math Department Does Away With “Improper” Terminology

In an effort to present a more inclusive, diversity-conscious face to the…

Math Student Finds Real Analysis Much Less Interesting After Getting Action

Sources report that sophomore Nathan Kingston, child prodigy and math aficionado, has…

Stanford Math Major Trying to Solve Sigma Nu

Early Monday morning, a freshman math major was discovered outside of Sigma…

Graphic: Stanford Professor of Being Sweet Uncovers a New Mathematical Relationship

Mathematicians Discover New “160 Proof,” Get Totally Wasted

ATLANTA, GA—Last week, at the 4th Annual Conference of Mathematicians, Brent Foster…