“Liberals Get Offended Too Easily” Says Offended Man

RALEIGH, N.C.—After finishing a long-winded rant about the hypersensitivity of college liberals,…

Science Prize Goes To Wally, The Big-Headed Freak

MINNEAPOLIS – On Friday, Providence High awarded passionate students for excellence in…

Math Joins Ranks of Pro-Hillary Establishment

Ignoring the momentum displayed by Bernie Sanders’ surprise win in Indiana, mathematics…

Ask Lady Serpent, High Priestess of the Flesh

Lady Serpent, In high school, I loved all my classes, but now…

Quote of the Week 5/9/16

“Part of a Complete Breakfast” -Slogan for an incomplete breakfast

Stanford in Redwood City Deemed School’s “Worst Abroad Program”

Only months after its establishment, Stanford in Redwood City has already drawn…