Hong Kong Protestors Resort to Violence, Umbrellas

Protests in Hong Kong reached a dangerous head this week, as various…

Bill O’Reilly Tables at Career Fair to Recruit Mercenaries

Following on from his proclamation last week on Fox News that what…

Ambitious Freshman Pre-Meds Get Experience with EMTs Within First 12 Hours of Classes

PALO ALTO — Studies have found that medical school selectiveness has been…

U.S. Bombing of Random Countries Boosts High School Geography Scores

Twelve years of U.S. forces in continuous conflict around the globe may…

Ask a Chronic Masturbator’s Penis

Dear CMP, Midterms are coming up this week, and I don’t know…

Stanford Student Excited to be Immersed in Stanford Culture Overse

(Florence, Italy) – Junior Lily Margalis reportedly expressed to friends and family…