Hennessy on Expanded Freshman Class: “A Cry for Help”

After months of pushing a plan to expand Stanford’s freshman class under the…

Op-Ed: Welcome to the Gun Show

That’s right, ladies. Take it all in. I just came back from…

Dining Hall Borrows TSA Techniques to Crackdown on Food Theft

Wilbur Dining Hall has instituted a new policy to stop students from…

ASSU Member to Vote on BJ Bill, Intends to Bypass Roommate Contract

STANFORD, CA–Last week, the ASSU voted on a bill that overruled changes…

Distracted by Football Game, Student Misses Exciting Action on Stadium Twitter Board

After returning from Stanford’s thrilling victory against UCLA, sophomore Kerry Wilhelms was…

Caving to Complaints from Catholic Church, Stanford Changes Team Nickname to “Arrillaga”

After forty-one years of indignity, the Catholic Church has finally won its…

REPORT: 85% of Nation’s Uncles Regularly Bitch About Government Shutdown for No Reason

Tulsa, Oklahoma–What was meant to be a nice, family dinner at the…

Fraternity Plans Ahead, Holds Vomit Themed Party

It looks to be a night of booze, beats, and barf this…