Apple Loses Corporate Headquarters in a Bar

The Flipside Year in Review

Well, the 2010-2011 school year is coming to a close, and what…

The Flippy Awards 2010-2011

After a year of hard work, you deserve some recognition. That’s why…

Graduating Senior Finally Able to Forgive IHUM

Joshua Randle (‘11) finally has made peace with IHUM in the weeks…

Student Wakes up Late for Take-Home Final

A Letter From Flipside Editor Barney Schmutz: I’ll Tell You What We’ll Do If We Find Your Name on that List

News has been flitting around the campus lately that the ASSU will…

International Sex Scandal Becomes Political Tactic

In the week following the sex scandal of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Managing…

What Student Groups Will Do If You Refund Them

With the ASSU voting whether to give student groups access to the…

Student Incredibly Ambivalent over Draw Results

When draw results were announced last Wednesday via Axess, freshman student and…