In Honor of Louise Glück  

Roses… are vaguely orange 

Violets – somewhat blue 

Nobody knows how to pronounce your fucking name

Horses get made into glue. 

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Umlauts are stupid 

Your name sounds like a fish-chicken drowning in stew. 

It occurred to me yesterday, 

That I am Telemachus 

And also a flower.  

Watching matrimony wither 

The yellow bee sleeps before me in 

The dead archipelagos. 

I hate sex.

Roses are red 

Violets are blue 

What the fuck kind of Nobel Prize is literature? 

Didn’t even discover aliens or whatever 

Roses are red 

Violets are blue 

What the fuck kind of name is Glück

sounds like a damn chicken 

how do you rhyme that shit 

ick? uck? fucking shit 

You look like a gluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

You should write about a duck

Your lost ancestor

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