12:01 PM: This is a tebst of the Stanford University emergency alert system. This is only a test. In a real event, responders will post additional information on one or more of the university emergency communication outlets. Respond “ok” to acknowledge receipt. End of message.

12:02 PM: *test lol

12:06 PM: Sooo did you get my last text???

12:08 PM: Broadcast Alert response received. If you mean to post to a Group, please verify the keyword and try again.

12:10 PM: I miss you. I miss us.

12:10 PM: Sorry, wrong number.

12:15 PM: This is a tebst of the Stanford University emergency alert system. This is only a test. In a real event, responders will post additional information on one or more of the university emergency communication outlets. Respond “ok” to acknowledge receipt. End of message.

12:16 PM: lol I did the test thing again. Please disregard previus transmission.

12:17 PM: Please disregard previous message and previous-previous message. End of message.

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