“The Light Breeze of Liberty Tickles My Testicles:” Stanford’s New Motto Revealed

The final word, “Testicles,” had barely left President Hennessy’s lips before he…

Student Adopts Stoicism to Cope with Philosophy Midterm

Exams are a transformative experience for everyone, causing schedules, expected majors, and…

Behind the Numbers: SHPRC’s $38,250 Special Fees Budget

With Special Fees petitions beginning to circulate campus, many students are initially…

Child Obesity Drops 45% Due to Diet of Cigarettes, Black Coffee

According to a recent study performed by the Journal of the American…

Student Launches Kickstarter Campaign to Buy Subway Lunch

Ambitious entrepreneur Jake Carter ’14 has just launched a crowdfunding campaign on the website…

Plot to New Godzilla Film Revealed, Giant Lizard Destroys City

Earlier this week, hackers managed to gain access to the script of…