The Sexual Health Peer Resource Center has been a strong proponent on campus of safe and informed sexual practices, striving to enable students to make healthy decisions and promoting a sex-positive culture. You probably know them as the guys who give you free condoms. This same organization was among the first to counsel students to pee after sex, one of the simplest methods of preventing Urinary Tract Infections. Ever on the bleeding edge of sexual health research, SHPRC soon added a new tenet- pee before sex. Not only does it reduce the risk of infection, it can easily be turned into exotic foreplay. But now the Center’s quest to remain at the forefront of sexual health bears newer and more shocking fruit. “Pee During Sex,” urges the SHPRC’s newest campaign.

When approached for comment, head peer counselor Sue Braxton explained, “Urinating during the act cuts your risk of infection and pregnancy practically in half, acting to protect you in several ways. First, the sterile urine power-washes the vagina AND the penis at once. Second, once you begin peeing, your partner is 80% more likely to end the entire thing right there. And for those who manage to achieve coitus, over 90% will not have sex with that partner again. These are all things that no product currently on the market has been able to achieve. It seems that in this case, our bodies’ natural mechanisms really are superior.”

Some have criticized the method as putting the decision in the hands of male participants only, But SHPRC insists the maneuver is equally effective when performed by women as by men. “Generally speaking, men really don’t like getting peed on. When a woman voids her bladder onto her partner, she is drastically reducing her chances of having sexual relations in the future. This truly is an equal-opportunity method of ensuring safe sex.”

Like all methods of birth control and UTI-prevention, peeing during sex is not 100% effective. SHPRC warns students to watch out for especially weak streams of piss, condoms filling up like rancid water balloons, as well as “people who are into that kid of thing.” Peeing during sex is most effective when used in conjunction with other methods. SHPRC has published a list of recommendations this quarter, including “Don’t Wipe Before Sex,” and “Eat Chipotle Before Sex.”

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