Hey RCC, I’m hoping to get assistance with some technical issues I’ve been having recently with my typing container. First of all, the handles fell off.

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As you know, this makes it very difficult for transport and storage. I’ve been trying the adhesive strategy we went over last week, but there must be some sort of update in hardware because it’s not staying like that. The first four prongs stay with it fine, but after that, it’s like the Battle of Pelennor Fields all over again.

My second complaint has to do with the broken computer lid. Two times I’ve tried closing it, but it just won’t budge! At first I thought it was because of the reverse magnetic field around the corner locks, but I no longer think that’s the case, considering how forcefully it used to shut when I’d finish processing. It also won’t charge. There’s literally no heat or light coming out of the projection square. I know for a fact you said there’s a way to bring them back up, so I’m hoping you can help me with that. All of the computer squares are honestly so clustered right now.

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Finally, I need to mention the noise problems I’ve been having. Each time I open the lid, there’s a new one.

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They’re coming out of the holes we went over, and there’s no stopping ‘em.

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Oh, you want to watch Game of Thrones? No way, José. Not with those sounds. My guess is that one of the programs is still running without going through the folders, but I’m not 100% on that one. I imagine you’ll have insights.

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Thanks, see you there.

P.S. Tehran Salami keeps talking about how the codes go together, and I’m just over here like what’s a computer? Haha, you know what I mean? But actually, it would be cool if you could explain that when I swing through.

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