Dear Dog Flying Alone in the Baggage Compartment,

I can’t seem to find a way to stay in touch with my friends from high school. Any suggestions?

-Alone in Alondra


Woof.  It’s dark.  Help.  I’m alone and everything smells.




I’m always procrastinating on homework and I’m tired of the all-nighters.  How do I get motivated?

-Procrastinating in Paloma


Is someone there?  Woof.  Woof woof.




I think my boyfriend might be cheating on me.  How can I be sure?

-Suspicious in Serra


Woof.  I peed and pooped in the cage and I just stepped in it and it’s dark. This cage is very much mine now.




My parents are getting a divorce.  I’ve moved out already but it’s still a shock.  How did you deal with your parents’ divorce?

-Distressed in Donner


Grrr. I wonder if I can get out of this cage if I…nope. It’s sideways now.  It’s dark and I’m sideways.  Woof woof.

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