In a last ditch attempt to court minority voters in Ohio, the Romney campaign is offering a free Lake Erie cruise to any minority or low income citizen of Ohio above the age of 18. The cruise will begin at 11PM on November 5th and end at 12AM on November 7th. A much more elaborate event than previous Romney campaign outreaches, advertisement for the cruise promises food, entertainment, karaoke, and and free alcohol to anyone in attendance.

“It’s been said by some that we’re not going to do well in Ohio because of the minority vote. Well, we’re going to change that,” Governor Romney reported in a well-publicized press conference on Saturday, “we want to show low-income and minority voters that the GOP cares about them as much, if not more, than other demographics in Ohio. We think that a free cruise on the picturesque Lake Erie is an excellent way to do that. Oh, and there’s free alcohol, just to reiterate, as in it costs nothing. Libre!”  We were unable to obtain comment from Paul Ryan, although his website promises that the cruise will have “all things that are good.”

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