Every year on Martin Luther King Day, white people across the country debate the acceptability of consuming fried chicken on a holiday held in honor of one of the nation’s great African Americans.

At the local KFC, the conversation is lively. One white local, Bobby H, described his feelings: “I like fried chicken any day, and I know that there’s that stereotype that black people like it. But I don’t think that should matter, just because it’s MLK’s birthday. Or should it?”

His white friend interjected, “I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up a 3-pack from KFC any other day. But today it just feels a little weird.”

Some white people walking by the KFC scowled. Said one passerby, “It’s just not very sensitive to African Americans on Martin Luther King Day for us to enjoy fried chicken, especially since it started as a meal for slaves that could be prepared cheaply while disguising the taste of old meat.”

The one black person in the KFC seemed unaware of this hot-button issue that surfaces annually. After having the controversy explained to him, he said, “No dude, we really don’t care. Do white people actually think we care?”

Most of the chicken-craving white customers reached the same sensible compromise: buying a 3-pack but eating it quickly and with shame. (Michael Brandt)

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