Portugal Loses Government in High-Stakes Poker Game

Citing decreased inhibitions and a marked lack of prudence, Portugal reported last…

Hong Kong Protestors Resort to Violence, Umbrellas

Protests in Hong Kong reached a dangerous head this week, as various…

Romney Unveils New Plan for Smaller Government – Literally

Mitt Romney came to the podium in Ohio last night to outline…

Iraqi Government Correction

Correction: The Stanford Flipside apologizes for inaccurately announcing the formation of a…

Obama Administration Looks to Plumber to Solve Nation’s Problems

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Obama shocked the nation last week when he announced that…

World Shocked To Discover “Wikileaks” Divulges Classified Information

Obama Names David Plouffe to Head New Department of Spam

WASHINGTON, D.C—In a historic move keeping with campaign practices and marking the…

Presidential Debate Ends In “Because I Said So”

State of Alabama Bans Same-Sex Swing Marriages

By Vladimir Porterman SACRAMENTO—Last week, the Alabama Legislature finalized a law to…

Congress Rejects Bailout Plan For Inmate #36788

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a move that critics around the nation are calling “preposterous”,…