A Standardized Formatting Guide for a Post-Truth Research Paper

Now that we have entered an age of “post-truth,” a time in…

New Research Shows that First Line of Beowulf Translates to “Sup fools”

This article payed for and endorsed by the Stanford English Department The…

Student Spends Summer Researching the Effects of a Child’s Extended Adolescence on Middle Class Families

At the end of last year, sophomore Ryan Tweed was presented with…

Kappa Sig Frat Sets Record For Number of Girls Sleeping Over

On the first night of the quarter, the residence of Kappa Sigma…

Mattress Researchers Release Innovative Mattress With No Wrong Side

Stanford Researcher Discovers Missionary Position

By Chad Levin In another miracle of science, Stanford researcher Dr. Phillip…

Study Finds Research Results Skewed By Students Looking For Beer Money

By Gregory Linsch STANFORD—The Stanford Psychology department just released the results to…