This Year’s Groundhog’s Day, Punxsuwatney Phil Saw the Shadow of God

Josh Hawley promises not to say the n-word this Black History Month 

Op-ed: For God’s Sake, Stop Sending Out These Fucking Amber Alerts—I Already Killed the Kid

Picture this: you’re all alone in the kitchen, pan-frying some tilapia and…

Meet Bronc, the world’s first genetically-engineered frat bro

Ever since Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, scientists have wondered, “Can we create life?…

Dr. Fauci Feels Much More Comfortable Walking Around Public Now That He Is Not Being Traced By the Red Dot of a Nearby Army Sniper

In many ways the nation took a big sigh of relief after…

Op-Ed: I, an on-campus frosh, locked myself out of my room, and my solution was to ask MTL if I could sleep over at his house.

The first time I locked myself out of my room, I asked…