In a press conference Monday morning, President Obama finally issued a statement in which he clarified his office’s position on the growing conflict between Israel and Palestine. The President has come under fire for not taking strong enough action to address the recent outbreaks of escalating violence in the Middle East. Critics on one side argue Obama hasn’t done enough to support Israel in this time of need, while others cite the US’s unwavering support of Israel as a roadblock to any possibility of reconciliation.

“While the roots of the conflict between Israel and Palestine go back millennia, at present,  we have a very real humanitarian crisis on our hands. As the leader of the free world, I’m obligated to take a stance,” said the newly reelected Obama. “That’s why I’ve called this press conference: to say what I’m saying. Clearly, something has to be said. And then something has to be done.”

Although many are hailing the Obama for his statement this morning, he is getting backlash from congressional Republicans.

“The President’s so-called ‘strong statement’ is not nearly strong enough,” said House Speaker John Boehner. “I don’t care if Netanyahu kills and eats a Palestinian child on live television — Israel is our only reliable ally in the Middle East and we need to back them no matter what.”

In spite of the criticism, some pundits are hoping the President’s statements may be enough to end this whole conflict for good. Of course, that scenario requires both sides to ease up on the whole rocket strike, settlement, bombing and targeted killing thing.

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