Op-Ed: YOUR President Likes to Get Spanked Like a Little Horsey Bitch, But MY President Neighs Like a Goddamn Fucking Stallion

Jeff Bezos Donates $800 Million to Reconstruct Notre Dame on Condition He Can Use as Fuck Shack

Public support for the reconstruction of the Notre-Dame de Paris after its…

Movie Review: I Thought Avengers: Endgame Was Just Okay Because of the Part Where Tony Stark Shitted Out the Infinity Stones

I was as excited as the next person to watch the twenty-second…

So Cool! MTL Dabbed After Signing an Arms Deal With the Saudi Military, and It Is #GivingUsLife

Okay, look — we all already know Marc “Daddy” Tessier “Daddy” Lavigne…

Op-Ed: In Only Ten Weeks, Duolingo Made Me Proficient In Slurs

I was initially skeptical about practicing my language skills with Duolingo. People…