Underscoring its diminished political capital, low approval ratings, and crippling internal dysfunction, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer warned North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un on Tuesday of how little the present administration has to lose.

“There is nothing more dangerous than an executive branch with its back against the wall,” Spicer chillingly whispered, “let alone one with nukes and a shaky trigger finger. The President has requested that I ask Mr. Kim whether he has truly seen a man with the fear of God in his eyes, a man who has already lost it all and who has no problem going down in a blaze of glory.”

Spicer’s statement comes after weeklong reports that Trump is ready to tussle at any moment- you name the time and place, Jong-un- and that he’s willing to leave every ounce of himself on the mat.

“The President’s continued references to Rocky 4 underscore that he just wants one last great bout to hang his name on,” Spicer continued, “and that his credibility as Commander-in-Chief could only feasibly go up from where it is now.”

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