Can you believe this shit? I sure as hell can’t. My terminally ill little brother just had a meeting with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and used his “anything in the world” wish to go to fucking Disneyworld. God, what a selfish asshat! Look, I get it, he’s dying of leukemia and all, but that’s no excuse for letting this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity go to waste.

You want to know the worst part? He’s been to Disneyworld before, like four different times! That’s like using your dying wish to go to the goddamn supermarket, and I simply won’t stand for that kind of behavior. How about thinking other people for once, you absolute nincompoop, and, I don’t know, wish for an end to the Israel/Palestine conflict? Or for a cure for COVID-19? Or even just for Uncle Joe to get out of prison or for our mom to finally stop drinking so much? Did you ever think of that, nimrod? No, I bet you didn’t, because you’re a self-absorbed little dipshit. 

Hell, if I had a Make-A-Wish right now, I’d wish for this dumbass to bite the dust before he ever got the chance to do his little meet-and-greet routine with Daffy Duck—anything to spare me from having to go with him and wait in line after line for a whole damn day. Besides, I know that before he got all cancered-up, both mom and dad liked me better, so I’d only give it about two weeks after he croaks for them to start selling his shitty Star Wars toys on eBay for another case or two of Budweiser. Good riddance! 

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