I filled out the Stanford Marriage Pact survey in a quest for love. A freshman at Stanford, I was feeling a little lost, and along comes a way to form an instant connection in the most meaningful way possible: algorithm-based love through a short online form. Nervously, I awaited my results, the exciting match that would bring me true love and a reassurance that I would not die alone. Over the weekend, the email bearing the name of this precious match came.

I had matched with Marc Tessier-Lavigne. The service was apparently available to faculty as well, and Marc was searching for love. At first, I was excited. He is the whole package: money, foreign mystery, a scintillating sense of humor and the chiseled facial features of a French aristocrat. His smile reminded me of a basset hound waiting for its owner to return. He reached out to me and we exchanged Snapchats.

Eventually, we started to text, asking about each other’s personal life. What do you want to do after college? How old are your kids? Stuff like that. After a while, I decided that it wouldn’t work out. The age difference was one thing for sure. And I had to focus on my own social life. He was a little too emotional for me, a man not comfortable enough in his masculinity. I also needed a little bit more diversity if I was going to date the president of the university. I couldn’t be seen to choose another white man.

While I thought that I made my feelings clear, he would simply not take the hint. He kept reaching out, asking if I wanted to hang out, or go to Kappa Sig on Friday. I just wanted to have a good time with my friends. I’ve told him multiple times that I’m just not into him, but I think Marc was just really set on this marriage pact thing, telling me to “trust the algorithms.” He’s harmless, but I just feel bad that he was relying so much on this online service to find his love. I just know he can find a wife some other way.


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