With its high ratings, wild plot twists, and sordid love affairs, The Republican Primary will return for a second season in the winter of 2017. After the news broke, Donald J. Trump, who plays himself, told reporters, “In the second season, I will personally see to it that America is great again. Classier and with less losers.”

TV critics have had mixed reviews for the first season, noting its “often contradicting story lines,” “offensive viewer material,” and “Ted Cruz’s face.” Other critics have likened it to a cross between Game of Thrones and Seinfeld: a bloody and barbaric show about nothing. However, the high ratings are beyond dispute and will be sure to draw a wide viewership for the second season.

It will be interesting to see how News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes will be able to recreate such memorable moments as Marco Rubio malfunctioning, Ted Cruz breaking out into Parseltongue, or Jeb Bush wetting himself.

News Corp has provided few details about the casting and location of the second season. There continues to be much speculation about whether the early kill-offs, Scott Walker and Rick Perry, will return.

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