(Florence, Italy) – Junior Lily Margalis reportedly expressed to friends and family earlier this week how excited she was to experience Stanford culture in a totally different country. “I think this is a truly amazing opportunity,” said Margalis, gesturing at the quaint cafés and ristoranti in the vicinity of the Stanford campus where she and 29 other Stanford students attend classes during the week. Margalis thinks that attending Bing Concerts, partying with fellow students, and taking language courses on campus will provide an immersive experience into Stanford culture unavailable elsewhere.
“There’s just so much about Stanford I can learn while I’m in Florence,” the recently-declared HumBio major stated, snapping a quick picture of her food for Instagram, “and I’m also going to finish off my GERs and DBs, which is super cool.” Citing easy classes and ample free time, Margalis asserts that her encounters in Florence will ultimately give her an authentic and forever-changed outlook on Stanford life. “I just hope I’ll be able to adjust back to life on campus next quarter,” Margalis worries aloud.

At time of press, Margolis was unavailable for further comment, as she was asking for “un caffé espresso, per favore.”

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