Sixth King of Babylon and Stanford CS106A student Hammurabi recently received a check-minus on the Code he submitted to his disappointed CS106A section leader after taking two late days.

“I don’t even know where to begin with this Code,” explained section leader Kevin Shin, “For example, look at the part that says ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.’ First of all, I think he means ‘an i for an i’ and because of the word ‘for’ he was clearly trying to construct a for-loop. I can only assume he was trying to say ‘for (int i = 0; i < TOOTH; i++)' but then he never initializes TOOTH as an instance variable.” “This Code is a complete mess,” continued Shin, “We ask for a simple program that codifies a system of 282 laws in the ancient Near East, and he submits this? Its looks it was written in Akkadian cuneiform, not Java.” Fortunately for Hammurabi, it appears he will not face any charges of plagiarism. When a computer program was used to compare the Code to all previous assignments, it was confirmed that no student had ever written a similar system of codified law in the history of the course.

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