HILLEL HOUSE–Last week, tens of Jewish and Muslim students gathered to promote interfaith relationships and just have a grand old time.

Students attending the game night played a number of carefree games including Candyland, Apples to Apples and Connect Four 3D.

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While these games were all in good fun, tensions heightened when the students began playing Risk.

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Conflict first arose when Muslim student Mohammed Muhammed claimed that his pieces were on Jerusalem, but Jewish student Moishe Greenberg disagreed.

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“My pieces have been there all along,” Greenberg said. “My great-great grandfather Abraham always had his pieces there.

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When the Jewish students realized that there would be no easy compromise, they launched a preemptive attack of double sixes, which was quickly countered by rock-throwing, missile fire and triple fives.

The game quickly spun out of control, as non-game players in surrounding fraternities were hit by flying Risk cards and green pieces.

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Hillel promised that future game nights would stick to tic-tac-toe.

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