Note to the reader: words that didn’t meet The Flipside’s decency standard have been replaced with *s. 

F**k, this has got to f**king stop! Frat boys around the world, hear my call to rise up and fight for our rights. 
Rise up and unite against the looming cloud of oppression!

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Our rights to free speech are imperiled. Last week, some dude used a perfectly normal word in a perfectly normal way to describe a perfectly normal loser.

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He called somebody a—oh wait, I’m not allowed to say it anymore—starts with f and rhymes with bag. Or tag. How about I just say, “f-bag?” Yeah. Bring it. 

And this is a slippery slope. After they take away “f-bag,” they’ll take “d-bag,” and then they’ll take “a-hole,” and then before we know it, we won’t even be able to say “butt-f**ker.” 
We, the fraternal brothers of the world, need to speak out against this tyranny. We have the right to our kegs! We have the right to wear wife-beaters.

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And we have the right to stagger drunkenly across our sticky floors admiring the cleavage of sorority girls. 

Seriously guys, this is gay,
Charles “Chug it!” Frickman

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