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WHITE PLAZA–Last Friday, Stanford students came together to table in White Plaza to promote some of the lesser known groups on campus. The following groups tabled at the activities fair:

The White Male Community Center came to White Plaza to help push for their special fees campaign, and received the 24 signatures they needed to make it on the ballot.

The Resume Building Club made an appearance and tried to encourage new members to join by telling them that “they too could be presidents of Resume Building Club, just like everyone else.”

The Stanford Seventh Man Club was blasting the Space Jam soundtrack as well as getting tons of new members to be fans of the basketball fans. If you were there at 12:20, you may have caught them playing their wildly popular game, “Who’s Your Favorite Fan?”

Stanford Women in Engineering made an appearance at the fair; however, they did not have any people at their table.

The Breakfast Club was one of the most popular groups, with a mission to get together three times a week to eat breakfast. Special guest members include Captain Crunch and Dean Julie.

AIDS awareness groups came to tell us the measures we can take to avoid contracting FACE AIDS, KOOL AIDS, and HEARING AIDS. Their advice: wash your hands.

The Psi Phi fraternity was at the fair shot-gunning Mountain Dew and promoting future rush events like Klingon Boggle and Binary Scrabble.

The LGBTQSAPSUDECTINTSSFMVX group tabled to increase the rights of people not accepted by the LGBTQ community. They advocated for trisexual rights as well as the rights of those sexually oriented towards true north.

The FroSoCo Awareness Club was handing out maps, dispelling myths about the wild FroSoCoan, and educating attendees about how to defend themselves.

The 2210 Temporal Study Abroad group gave those passing by a glimpse into education of the future.

The Pro-Warming group, George W. Bush fan club, and the Club You Can’t Leave were also signing up new members.

Overall, it was an exciting event for all who attended, and another demonstration of the great diversity of Stanford students’ extracurricular interests.

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