Sources close to Hillary Clinton have told the Stanford Flipside that the former Secretary of State has made an important decision since the beginning of the new year. Effective January 1, Clinton will be running, following a plan carefully crafted over several months by a trusted team of advisors.

“Mrs. Clinton is a strong believer in New Years’ resolutions, which is a big part of why she has chosen to undertake this rigorous aerobic program,” said one of the consultants closest to the upcoming Clinton campaign. Speculation had surrounded the former First Lady’s actions as of late, with naysayers citing her past failed attempts and her age as reasons why she would not, as many supporters hoped, announce her intention to run. Having since been disproven, these Republican critics have downplayed Clinton’s announcement, with one party spokesperson pointing out how “the Clinton name is not exactly synonymous with commitment.”

Many details of Clinton’s plan remain unclear, such as the routes she intends to use and whether or not her husband will accompany her on the road. However, what is clear is that Mrs. Clinton’s announcement has helped grow her already considerable public support. One need only look to the encouragement Clinton has received from single mothers who want to show their daughters how women can have both political aspirations and a daily workout regimen to understand why she made this difficult decision.

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