Here at the Flipside, we pride ourselves on knowing the ins and outs of sorority life.  If you’ve been walking around campus and going to class wondering if some girl is in a sorority, we have come up with a comprehensive survey called “How to tell if someone is a sorority girl.”  If you can answer “yes” to at least 4 of these questions about the girl, then she is definitely a sorority girl!

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How to tell if someone is a sorority girl:

1. Is she wearing a sorority t-shirt?

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(Extra point if it’s a bro-tank)

2. Does she have that distinctive sorority smell?

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(perfume, apples, hairspray, tequila)

3. Is she making gangster signs with her hands?

4. Is it that time of the month?

5. Is she wearing a black Northface sweater or Uggs?

6. Is she in a sorority?

7. If you’re looking at a photograph of them, are they in the middle of the photo?

8. Is she reading Twilight at Coupa Café?

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9. Is she in a sorority? (see number 6)

10. Is she wearing body paint? Or glitter everywhere?

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