Freshman Forming Deep Friendship With RA Who Is Contractually Obligated To Do So

Lucie Stern Residence Hall – Gleefully exclaiming that he can see the…

Freshman “Not Actually All That Special” Says Grandmother After Campus Visit

Many students find it difficult to transition from high school into Stanford,…

Quote of the Week 9/19/16

“…I think there will be party favors” –Freshman, calling parents

Op-Ed: “Full Moon Wasn’t Going to be Fun Without Hennessy There Anyway”

Look, don’t get me wrong—I’m as bummed as anyone that the spit-swapping…

The Homo Froshicus Froshicus, A Wonder of Nature

Every fall, the bicycle-ridden concrete jungle of Stanford University is hit by…

The Flipside Packing List: NSO Edition

It’s finally happening.  In a few short days, you will be pulling…

Freshmen Confused by Continuing Lack of Parties

Recent surveys indicate that a growing percentage of the Class of ’16…