Palin Retreats To Winter Lair

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Barack Obama Gets A Sex Change; US Has First Black and Female President

By Dorothy Cranard WASHINGTON D.C–In order to continue his message of change,…

Obama’s First Presidential Action To Get, Walk New Puppy

In an unexpected course of events, president elect Barack Obama has already…

Obama Wins, Palin Says “Gosh Darnit”

Obama Credits Victory To Power Thumb

Opinion: “I Demand A Recount”

By Frank the Disgruntled McCain Supporter Do you really think the U.S.…

America’s Balls Shrink 40% After Obama Victory, GOP’s Worst Fears Confirmed

True to the predictions of several conservative pundits and bloggers, electing the…

Students Steal Bikes To Be Resold For Charity

Last week’s Gumball Challenge inspired many Stanford students to get out of…

Historic Presidential Firsts

Barack Obama, president-elect of the United States, released on Sunday his schedule…