Rubio Nears Cruz Endorsement As tortured Soul Trapped In FL Senator Cries Out For Help

Florida senator Marco Rubio discussed the suspension of his presidential campaign last…

Nation Demands More Bad News

WASHINGTON D.C.—Individuals and advocacy groups from across the United States have organized…

The 5 Most Impressive Stanford Students, Ranked By How Sad They Are Right Before They Go To Sleep

Cameron Yi Cameron may have invented a portable defibrillator for remote hospitals…

Friends Shocked, Horrified, To Find Other Friend Slightly Cooler After Quarter Abroad

Originally, juniors Ted Rangfelt and Sharon Askinew had been excited to welcome…

Op-Ed: “Full Moon Wasn’t Going to be Fun Without Hennessy There Anyway”

Look, don’t get me wrong—I’m as bummed as anyone that the spit-swapping…