Man Using Laptop — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

From a young age, Stanford freshman Josh Douglas had always been on a fast track to spend his life as a poet.

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His parents encouraged him to capture his inner music in verse and Douglas would spend his summers writing in forest clearings around North America, wearing only the skins of animals he had mercy-killed. All of this came to an end, however, when Douglas came to Stanford and, in an inspiring turn, found his true calling to be computer science front-end programming.

“I never planned on becoming a computer science major,” said Douglas during a recent interview in a room full of big computers.

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“But Stanford is such an incredible place to take CS classes, meet other people interested in CS, major in CS and then spend your entire life programming computers.

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“It’s so nice not being tied down by poetry anymore,” concluded Douglas, “people are going to tell you that you can’t follow your dreams, that you have to pick something that will lead to a solid career. Those are but voices in the wind.

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Now that I am following my true passion, Computer Science, none of that seems to matter.”

As of press time, Douglas was seen coding a program that can generate 50,000 poems a minute.

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