Fantasy Football Loses Popularity; 
Historical Non-Fiction Football on the Rise

According to statistics complied from the thousands of leagues on, the…

Stanford to Meet Electricity, Heating Needs by Harnessing President Hennessy’s Raw Sexual Energy

In an effort to remain a leader in environmental sustainability, Stanford has…

Review of Activision’s Call of Booty: Black Cops Video Game

Call of Booty: Black Cops is a first-person shooter with stealth and…

Terrorist Nervous On First Day as Suicide Bomber

Luke Patterson, an Al-Qaeda operative from Colorado, reportedly feels “really nervous” on…

Local Student Travels to Congo For Volunteer Project of Letting People in the Congo Use His iPhone

Zimbardo Conducts New Stanford Prism Experiment

New Study Finds Females Incapable of Reaching Orgasm, Local Scientist Assures Wife

Cal Scores Desperate Fourth Quarter Touchdown, Avoids Naked Run

Hagrid Loses 130 Pounds for Latest Potter Film

In an effort to fit into the new 3D cameras, Hagrid was…