229 Articles Stanford Year 8 Administration Relieved To Know Worse Idea Than THINK Exists After three years spent worrying that THINK was the worst possible replacement… Ben KaufmanMarch 1, 2016
You Should Really, Really Know my Name by Now Look…I know I may not be the most assertive, in-your-face person, and… Dylan FugelJanuary 14, 2013
126 Articles Stanford Stanford To Rethink Thinking Matters Yielding to feedback from the freshman Class of 2016, the Office of… Eric SmallsNovember 2, 2012
126 Articles Life World Student Blames Unexcused Absence on Butterfly Effect Following 3 consecutive unexcused absences from his Thinking Matters section, an offense… Matt LaVanOctober 30, 2012
IHUM 2: Thinking Matters Opens to Record Crowds, Mixed Reviews After months of anticipation, IHUM 2: Thinking Matters debuted in auditoriums across… Kyle HofferOctober 1, 2012
IHUM Replacement “Thinking Matters” In Search of Catchy Abbreviation With SUES and the Faculty Senate on board with the replacement for… Zach GalantMarch 5, 2012