Students Shocked to Find Big Game Actually Matters This Year

Much to their chagrin, students at both Stanford and Cal were shocked…

Stanford to Host Charity Football Game For Underprivileged Fans on Saturday

As part of an effort to expand its philanthropic efforts in the…

President Hennessy Announces New “Just F*ck it” Application Screening Process

As Stanford continues its recent trend of increasing applicant pools, the class…

IBM’s Watson Comes to Stanford For Game of Which One of You is a Computer?

CEMEX AUDITORIUM–In honor of Big Game, week, IBM brought their supercomputer Watson…

Stanford Space Station Nearing Completion

Out near the Oval, Stanford’s newest project, a self-launching space station, is…

Cal Scores Desperate Fourth Quarter Touchdown, Avoids Naked Run

Cal opens “EPMY Summer Institutes”–Educational Program for Mediocre Youth

From late June through early August, Stanford hosts the EPGY Summer Institutes—the…

Stanford Changes Rival To University of Phoenix Online