Q: Are u up?
Jimmy, Sobbing in Schiff
A: Look, Jimmy, I have class in the morning. I told you, I think it’s best we don’t keep talking like this. I know it’s tough but you need get it over it.
I need my space.
Q: What happened to us? I need to know.
Jimmy, Rethinking Priorities in Roble
A: I don’t think that’s a conversation we should be having right now, Jimmy. Neither of us is at places in our lives where that’s a mature conversation that we could have.
Maybe in another life.
Q: Who is that guy in your profile pic?
Jimmy, Crying in Cedro
A: Look, I didn’t want you to have to find out this way, but I’ve met someone new. Chad was in one of my classes and he was really sweet to me.
Q: You know, I’m doing fine, I’ve met someone new as well. I bet she’s way cooler than you.
Jimmy, Still Crying in Cedro
A: That’s wonderful, Jimmy. I’m so happy for you and I wish you all the best.
Q: Are we cool? I actually need your advice. What should I get my mom for her birthday this year?
Jimmy, Looking in Lantana
A: Look, stop contacting me. We’re not together anymore. You can’t keep asking me these inappropriate questions.
It’s over, Jimmy. Goodbye.