NEW YORK—In response to the growing obesity problem in the United States, Eric Carle, author of the famous book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, has released a new edition of his book to teach children the value of eating well and staying healthy. “In The Caterpillar Who Eats Only As Much As He Needs children will learn that you can’t eat ice cream, cake, and candy and expect to grow into a beautiful butterfly,” remarked Carle, while pointing to his plentiful gut as proof of his words. “My hope is that this book will teach kids to eat responsibly—you know, just a bite or two from a leaf each day.

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” Sources close to Carle indicate he is also planning to update his first book, 1, 2, 3, to The Zoo with a new book titled 1, 2, 3, Get a Job.

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