Once a year, the time comes when Stanford student groups send out mass email and Facebook messages telling you to vote for their group and to give them your money. Well, it’s that time again, and we, the Editorial Board, would like to ask you to support us here at the Flipside.
No, we don’t get special fees and we’re not even applying this year, but we’d like your support anyway.
See, we don’t need money. Our group relies on support from our readers and support alone.
When we get invoices from our printer, we pay them by forwarding along the support we get from you. When our web hosting bill comes in each month, we pay them by sending your support through the internet tubes.
Today, as the special fees cost per student has skyrocketed, one thing remains constant, and that is that the Flipside gives you the hard-hitting news in its purest form.
Even after you pay Volunteers in Latin America $18,000, Mock Trial $30,000, the Orchestra $26,000, Solar Car $50,000, Sigma Nu $20,000, Student Service Division $32,000, Flicks $76,000 (that’s right), the Daily $90,000 (that’s also right), you’re paying the Flipside $0.00 in special fees.
Because that’s what it takes to tell it how it is. Whether you read the Flipside religiously or read it extremely religiously, one thing is certain: you do the Rebus puzzles.
This is why we, the Editorial Board, ask you to take the time to go to www.
stanfordflipside.com, and just support us. For special fees. But we’re still not applying.
And as the Daily worded so articulately, “If you can’t fund [insert your group name here], then what can you fund?”