Despite nearly a dozen quarters of academic experience at Stanford University, upperclassmen gathered in Manzanita Dining were somehow still in shock regarding their impending midterm exams this coming week.

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“Oh God, how do we have a midterm already?

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  The quarter just started,” came one student’s inconceivable complaint.

“I know, right?  We haven’t even learned anything yet,” another naively commiserated.

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The implausible bewilderment built to a crescendo when a conversational newcomer threw in his original insight: “How is it even a midterm if you aren’t midway through the quarter.  Am I right, guys?”

The conversation ended with all parties acknowledging that it was far too early in the quarter to already be having midterms, an agreement that – ludicrously lost on everyone – had been reached by these same friends in seven of the past nine academic quarters.

At press time, this quarter has been going by so quickly, don’t you think?

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