Michael Phelps 12,000 Calorie Diet Explained By Munchies

Study: Top Ten Olympic Swimmers All Smoked Weed

Cheney Mistakes Bush For Lame Duck, Shoots Him

[audio:s8.mp3|titles=Cheney Mistakes Bush For Lame Duck, Shoots Him]

Report: Student Is Tired

By Daniel Francinte STANFORD, CA–After five consecutive sleep-deprived nights and countless hours…

Revolutionary Soft Drink Pepsialis to Hit Stores Next Week

A collaboration between beverage giant PepsiCo and erectile dysfunction upstart Cialis has…

Stanford Changes Rival To University of Phoenix Online

Man Lies About Being From Boston For No Good Reason

Overheard @ Stanford

These are real snippets from conversations on the Stanford Campus. Send in…

Entire Thanksgiving Dinner Spent Complimenting the Stuffing