ROBLE—Friends of Stanley Smith (’13) gathered last night to stage an intervention regarding his recent increased free time. Smith used to be involved in club tennis, Students for a Sustainable Stanford, and Mock Trial—but now he has dropped all of these extracurriculars. As Morgan Wallace (’13) said, “We’re concerned about what he is going to do now when he has finished his homework.
If he isn’t participating in clubs, he’ll be wasting his time! That’s like, the worst thing you could possibly do to yourself!
” Many students on campus feel the same way, that free time should be shunned completely. Smith shared with The Flipside, “Everyone here is always doing activities or something, and they pride themselves on how stressed they are.
It’s incredibly unhealthy and quite destructive.
I decided to take a stand against this hyper-involved culture and just be a normal college student”.
Smith then finished his assignments, went out to the Oval, and packed a bowl.