If you want to join the Stanford Flipside, email flipsidearticles@googlegroups.com. Anyone can join! You can write, edit, take photos, edit photos, do layout, do web design, or just be funny.

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Editorial Board: Jordan Zietz, Shubhra Mishra, Tina Li
Staff Writers: Abdulla AlShirawi, Madigan Brodsky, Josh Bahk, Raine Xiong, Via Lipman


President: William Golub
Editorial Board: Boaz Kaffman, Jordan Zietz
Staff Writers: Abdulla AlShirawi, Madigan Brodsky, Shubhra Mishra


President: Alex Durham
Editorial Board: William Golub, Boaz Kaffman, Jordan Zietz
Staff Writer: Madigan Brodsky


Presidents: Gracie Newman and Ben Davidson
Editorial Board: Ben Davidson, Alex Durham, Gracie Newman, and Jeffrey Propp
Staff Writers: Will Golub, Julia Gong, Boaz Kaffman, and Sohan Vichare


Benevolent Monarchs: Ben Davidson and Gracie Newman
Editorial Board: Devin Cintron, Brian Contreras, Alex Durham, Robin Fierberg, Boaz Kaffman, Jeffrey Propp, Maggie Rosenthal, and Marika Tron
Staff Writers: William Golub, Julia Gong, and Sohan Vichare
Layout: Jared Poblete
Puzzle Master: Grant Coalmer


Presidential Triumvirate: Devin Cintron, Brian Contreras, Maggie Rosenthal
Editorial Board: Ben Davidson, Robin Fierberg, Gracie Newman, Jeffrey Propp
Staff Writers: Matt Bernstein, Alex Durham, Meley Habtegiorgis, Boaz Kaffman, Marika Tron
Layout: Jacob Eisenach, Jared Poblete
Puzzle Master: Grant Coalmer


Head Writers: Jamie Rodriguez, Jason Seter
Editorial Board: Deedee Anderson, Devin Cintron, Brian Contreras, Siena Jeakle, Maggie Rosenthal
Puzzle Masters: Anonymous, Truman Hanks
President for Bureaucratic Purposes: Jason Seter
F(u)nancial Officer: Jamie Rodriguez
Layout: Olivia Popp
Staff Writers: Josh Fagel


Head Writers: Arthur Iula, Ben Kaufman, Charlie Dektar, Jonathan Engel, Phill Giliver
Editorial Board: Jamie Rodriguez, Jason Seter
Puzzle Masters: Kenneth Smith, Vinson Luo
President for Bureaucratic Purposes: Jonathan Engel
F(u)nancial Officer: Ken Baufman
Layout: Camilla Franklin
Staff Writers: Deedee Anderson, Siena Jeakle, Brian Contreras, Devin Cintron, Olivia Popp, Maggie Rosenthal


President: Rahul Prabala
Vice President: Dylan Fugel
Financial Officer: Magellan Fluke
Master of Shadows: Stu Melton, still and forever and on
Puzzle Master: Holly Grench
Editorial Board: Arthur Iula, Ben Kaufman, Charlie Dektar, Jonathan Engel, Phill Giliver


President: Amy Garcia
Vice President: Heidi Messiha
Managing Editor: Corbin Foucart
Master of Shadows: Stu Melton
Puzzle Master: Manuela Richter
Editorial Board: Dylan Fugel, Magellan Pfluke, Rahul Prabala


President: Matthew LaVan
Vice President: Kyle Hoffer
Managing Editor: Samuel Cortes
Puzzle Master: Manuela Richter
Social Chair: Akiko Kozato
Editorial Board: Heidi Messiha, Corbin Foucart, Amy Garcia, Stu Melton


President: Conor Doherty
Vice President: Kyle Hoffer
Chief Editor: Matthew LaVan
Managing Editor: Bill Driscoll
Puzzle Master: Akiko Kozato
Editorial Board: Conor Doherty, Kyle Hoffer, Matthew LaVan, Bill Driscoll, Akiko Kozato


President: Jeremy Keeshin
Vice President: Zach Galant
Managing Editor: Adam Adler
Puzzle Master: Laney Kuenzel
Editorial Board: Jeremy Keeshin, Zach Galant, Adam Adler, Laney Kuenzel, Eric Karpas, Conor Doherty, Kyle Hoffer


Founder/President: Jeremy Keeshin
Vice President: Zach Galant
Managing Editor: Adam Adler