“Anonymous Bear” Just Deleted 150,000 Votes From the U.S. Election Commission’s Shared Google Spreadsheet

Lecture Attendance to Be Taken by New Facial Recognition Software After Stanford Partners With Palantir

In an effort to increase student participation, some lecture-based classes have begun…

Movie Magic: CGI Carrie Fisher to be Posthumously Inserted into “Epic / Hilarious Nut-Taps [4 hrs]” Youtube Compilation

In recent weeks, there has been some rumbling surrounding J.J. Abrams’ decision…

Stanford Defeats Racism with Screening of “Tubman,” A Movie About A Man Who Wakes Up as A Bathtub and Everyone Is Racist Against Him but At the End, They Learn to Accept Their Differences and Sing in A Circle and Take A Bath in Him

Let’s have them three cheers and a slap on the ol’ ass,…